A modern and premium luxury cigar sampling room.
Enjoy your favorite cigar in a sophisticated space.
Welcome to a little slice of heaven in New Jersey. Tonino Cigar’s Boutique sets the standard for a full-service experience. Sit back and relax while our professional and expertly trained staff recommend the perfect combination of tranquility and cigar. Guests are treated to Tonino Cigars’ legendary service whether gathering in our room to enjoy your favorite cigar or your private events.
Tonino Cigars has stocked the humidor from the novice to the most experienced veteran smoker. The collection includes well-known and loved brands as well as a rotation of rare and hard to find.
Tonino Cigars features climate-controlled cigar lockers to house member’s personal cigars and cigar paraphernalia. Memberships are available on an annual basis and include invitations to complimentary, cigar member-only events.
Cigar Captain Fernando López is your guide to an exceptional evening in Tonino Cigar in New Jersey.
Call (973) 218-6784 for reservations.